The PlowShare Interlinear exists to allow a deep study of the Greek and Hebrew texts of the Clarified Textus Receptus™ (1550 Stephanus and 1525 Ben Chayyim - 2019 Mickelson) using an online Interlinear Bible. It does not exist to provide comparisons
among hundreds of different and varied translations as this is contrary to its purpose.
Its purpose is to act as a stepping stone to the Greek and Hebrew texts by allowing the student to dig deep into the Word itself, thus the name "PlowShare." The intent is to "bring the English speaking person to the Word of God, and not the Word of
God to the English speaking person."
Therefore, the priority is to enable the student to begin and continue the study of the Word of God itself, using the online interlinear bible or the print editions.
The included Mickelson Clarified Translation (MCT) is Concept for concept, Context for context, Word for word.® (Yes, all three for the New Testament, and approaching it for the Old Testament).
Read more at MCT Bible .org
Celebrating 22 full years of "plowing the field."
- Luke 17:7
As of April 2019, more than 42,500 hours have been devoted to this endeavor at the plowman's own expense.